
Welcome to the Sweet Blog! The place where all your dreams come true!!! Okay, okay… that might be an exaggeration… but it is a lot of fun. La Dolce Blog is the online journal of all the happenings at La Dolce Vita Studio. This is a place where you can come and find out about our latest projects, random events, the newest cute thing our dog Lucy has done and whatever else we decide to post in the online blogopolis. So who is behind La Dolce Vita Studio? Shh… its top secret… alright well the secret is out… we are Melanie and Bradford Watson, a husband and wife photography team based out of Jacksonville, FL. We shoot weddings, children, families, individual portraits, and anything else that may tickle our fancy. Our services are available across the U.S. and internationally… have passports, will travel!

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    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    DWF Convention in Tampa

    This past weekend Brad and I spent attending the DWF Convention in Tampa. It was our first time ever attending a photography convention and it was absolutely fantastic!!! We got to see our McLellans again and met some fantastic new friends. The convention was so informative and we learned loads of fun new stuff to implement now that we are home. The funny thing about attending a photography convention is that we really didn't take many photos at all. Our days were jam packed full of seminars and trade shows and our nights were equally as full. We were running on virtually no sleep at all... but that didn't stop us from having fun. Sleep is for suckers anyhow right?!? Okay maybe not... but sometimes you just go without. So after 4 entire days at the Hyatt in Tampa here are the measly couple of shots we have to share. I know I know... we will take more pictures next time.

    So when we first arrived... I had this grand illusion that we would document our entire experience in pictures... so here is us just getting to our room.

    Check out the price of the water at this place... yeah I'm not that thirsty.

    I quickly realized that was craziness... we did lots of observing and learning and not so much shooting. Here is a photo I found of us at Michelle Turner's demonstration. The photo was taken by Sam dePoy. Can you spot us in the crowd??

    At one of the seminars I took a photo of Sean taking a photo... yeah... not sure why but it seemed fun at the time.

    Brad and I had a Zoolander style impromptu photo shoot while we were getting ready to go to the party at the Florida Aquarium.


    mmm hair goo

    check out that fierce shark fin


    Now back to normal... or is Brad ever really normal?? ;)

    Brad is all ready to go... and just checking out how good he looks from all angles! ;)

    At the convention Brad and I played Deal or No Deal sponsored by GraphiStudio. You had to enter your name into a huge pile of other wanna be contestants and wait to see if you were the next player chosen. We stood around and watched others win for awhile, then Brad decided to yell out "call my name" right as they started to pull from the stack. Sure enough... the called "Bradford Watson." It was hillarious... I tell you this boy should get his butt to Vegas his luck has been so good lately. Anyhow... he went up and played and won a fantastic prize!!! He won admission to the Yervant & Joe Buissink Seminar in Orlando this April. What an awesome prize! Here are some shots from my iphone:


    and the Deal or No Deal girls


    We had a few more photo shoots around the aquarium just for fun... here is the gorgeous Melanie McLellan striking her best Yervant pose

    and the lovely Adrian Hitt giving us a very mod look

    and the last iphone shot of the night... here is Sean giving me the evil eye on the bus ride back to the hotel.

    On Monday night we went out to eat at Maggianos with a fantastic group of other Husband & Wife photo teams and sadly had to miss the Oreo Shootout that occured afterwards back at the hotel. You all have to go to the McLellan's DWF blog and see their slide show of the events. It was a sight to see! 72 Oreo's eaten in 30 minutes was what got Joel Weibner the title of Oreo King that night! There are also a few photos of me and Brad in the mix... see if you can spot us.

    We got home at 2:30am Tuesday morning... only get up 4 hours later and get back to work!!! It was well worth all the sleep deprivation.


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